Tuesday, May 3, 2011

UK Home Prices -3.3% On Year In April - Hometrack

(RTTNews) - The average asking price for a home in the United Kingdom was down 3.3 percent on year in April, property intelligence group Hometrack said on Monday, standing at 153,100 pounds.
That follows the 3.2 percent annual contraction in March.
House prices were flat on month, Hometrack said, after easing 0.1 percent in March. It marked the first month in nine that failed to see a decline.
The volume of sales was up 8.0 percent after surging 12.6 percent in March, while the proportion of sales at or better than the asking price was 92.6 - down from 94 percent a year earlier.
By region, sales in London rose 0.3 percent, while prices in the North East were down 0.4 percent and prices in Wales and the East Midlands fell 0.3 percent.

The article doesn't really explain the reason for the down fall in price asking for homes. The economie could be one of the reasons, but security reasons could also be a consern for buyers. The United Kingdom is not known for having major security problems so that's why I believe it could hardly be a reason.

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