Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Cote d'Ivore: UK joins worldwide calls for Gbagbo

           The African Union and the United Kingdom called for restraint by both sides and called on Alassane Ouattara to assume the Presidency, after the re-launch of a military offensive by the president Gbagbo's troops. The United Kingdom Foreign Secretary and the AU Commission President called for restraint from both sides and insisted that Ouattara should take control of the presidency because he was so democratically elected. The Ivorian leader Laurent Gbagbo has defied international pressure to remain in power despite international sanctions and a military offensive launched by forces loyal to Presidential rival Ouattara. The AU and the UK, called on the two sides to spare civilians in order to avoid worsening the humanitarian crisis.
           Like President Muammar Gaddafi of Libya, President Laurent Gbagbo does not want to give up the presidency sit, because he wants to avoid "humiliation" as the former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. I believe that the African population rising against their awful leaders and dictators is a sign for future prospect in the African continent. The nations in Africa have suffered under-colonial rules and when they left, their leaders took take of themselves rather than taking take of their nations; enough is enough and these revolts are their last sign of extreme desperation.

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