Friday, April 8, 2011

U.K. faces possible water shortage

   A very dry March would strike the United Kingdom leaving them with a shortage in water supply. In nearly 50 years, this March would be the driest March yet giving England and Wales only a third of the normal average rain. Reservoirs of water were running low in storage by as much as 20 percent below normal levels for this time of the year. Water companies have warned of possible restrictions on domestic water use. 
           The water shortage is not a problem often encounter in the United Kingdom. I wonder if the lack of water might transform part of the the United Kingdom into a desert. One thing that the article didn't mention, but grabbed my attention is that they didn't say anything on the average temperature for this month of  March; so what I'm wondering about is that what has suddenly caused this drastic decrease in rain supply? I believe the heat could be a factor, but I don't see why there could be a great increase in temperature either.


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