Wednesday, April 13, 2011

France and UK urge NATO allies to pull weight in Libya

France and Britain urged their NATO allies, including the US, to intensify the campaign against the Libyan regime after the forces of Muammar Gaddafi had fired rockets along the eastern front line. The failure of the three-week bombing campaign to oust Gaddafi was expected to be discussed at a meeting in Qatar last night of the Libya contact group. Moussa Koussa, the former Libyan foreign minister who defected to Britain, flew to Qatar to speak on the margins of the meeting, questions about whether he would ever face justice and fury among MPs and victims of the Lockerbie bombing were discussed. NATO was forced to defend its strategy in Libya after France and Britain called on allies to pull their weight. William Hague urged NATO to step up its efforts in Libya.

I haven't seen NATO's work doing any difference in the uprising rebellion that is going on in Libya. NATO, The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, system of collective defence whereby its member states agree to mutual defense in response to an attack by any external party, such as Libya's revolution, is yet to take effect on the situation and bring peace back to the people of Libya. 

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